How to create a 10 step skincare routine

Step 1; wash your face with clean water

10 step skincare routine

A 10 step skincare routine might be a little too much, especially for people who have busy schedules and barely have time to squeeze in a daily skincare routine.

The process to healthy skin is not necessarily the routine you stick to but the ingredients of the products you're using and consistency. A 10 step skincare routine consists of basic products and essentials for your skin type.

Not to worry, there is no need to feel pressured to do a 10 step skincare routine, follow all skincare trends and routines you see out there. A five-step skincare routine will get the job done or even a three-step depending on your skin health because at the end of the day, you might get the same result. With all the rules of skincare dos and don’ts, what works for people is different. What works for A might not work for B. The process to healthy skin is not necessarily the routine you stick to but the ingredients of the products you’re using and consistency.

Diving straight into the main topic, the 10 step skincare routine consists of basic products and essentials for your skin

10 step skincare routine

Face cleanser

1. Face wash (oil-based/water-based cleanser)

Before you latter on the cleanser, wash your hands clean. The first step in the 10 step skincare routine is the face wash. Depending on your skin type, it can be an oil-free or hydrating cleanser. If you have severe skin problems like acne you might want to consider using a cleanser that includes active ingredients like salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

Always make sure to double cleanse with an oil-based and water-based cleanser to remove all the dirt properly, especially if you had makeup on but also try not to over-cleanse and strip up your face of its natural oils.


2. Toner

Some skincare enthusiasts claim a toner isn’t necessary in a routine but I beg to differ. A good toner will change the trajectory of your skin health. In a 10 step skincare routine, a toner can make such a huge difference to your skin (as long as you’re using the right one) of course. After cleansing your face with a face wash you should follow up with a toner. It could be a hydrating, brightening, or active toner that will help with hydration, remove dullness and clear up blackheads, whiteheads, and open pores on acne-prone skin.

I took the advice of not using a toner and things went south for me but when I chose the right toner, I had never been more satisfied with the turnout. It helped my other skincare products work better and it strangely brought the pleasure of helping people find the right skincare products too.


3. Essence

Toner and essence sometimes offer similar benefits but it comes down to the ingredients and purpose. Toner help to balance the skin and sometimes hydrate while essence doubles the amount of hydration a toner provides. If your toner offers enough hydration using an essence isn’t necessary.

Face serum

4. Face serum

The answer to that face glow you’ve been searching for might just be in a face serum.

Serums are kind of a holy grail to having healthy supple skin. Serums tend to help hydrate the skin and eliminate dullness, clear out hyper-pigmentation and even out your skin tone.

There are several face serums out there but please do not get confused by purchasing a certain product that you see other people buying or recommending. You need to identify your problem first. Is it dullness and hyper-pigmentation? Try niacinamide, vitamin C or alpha arbutin. Redness? Try azealic acid. Hydration? Try hyaluronic acid. Using a serum that your skin doesn’t necessarily need is a waste of money and time. Skincare is too expensive to be wasting even a dime.

Eye cream

5. Eye cream

Dark circles under the eyes can be quite annoying but not to worry, a good eye cream will get the job done in record time. If dark under-eyes are something you struggle with periodically, aside from using an eye cream consistently, a cold slice of cucumber, ice cube, or an under-eye mask will help you.


6. Moisturizer

Now that you’ve followed the above steps like the pro that you, it is time to lock them all in with a good moisturizer suited for your skin. Always choose a moisturizer suitable for your skin type, either oily, dry, or combination skin. Using the wrong moisturizer might just ruin all your prior efforts. Your skin needs a moisturizer and it is super important.


7. Sunscreen

This list would be incomplete without the most important item that stubborn people overlook. Many people do not like applying sunscreen. Why should you wear sunscreen? Some of the ingredients in the skincare products you’ve used in the first steps of your routine are because your skin tends to be a lot more vulnerable to the UV rays which can cause skin damage. You certainly don’t want to ruin your skin and hard work, so you have to always apply sunscreen in the daytime whether you are indoors or outdoors. On a sunny or cloudy day, apply sunscreen.

Consider it a precaution to prevent a wasted investment (skincare). one can never be too sure of all the products and what might prompt sensitivity to the sun to get yourself sunscreen from SPF 30 to 60 that won’t leave any form of white cast on your face.

You’re not in a Teletubbies show, the sun isn’t smiling down at you.


8. Exfoliation

Exfoliating is a weekly step that will upgrade your skin health. Exfoliating with a scrub or a chemical exfoliant helps strip the dirt off your skin and allows your other products to penetrate your skin better and allows your other products to sink into your skin better and work more effectively. This step not be abused and only be used 2-3 times a week depending on skin sensitivity.

Face mask

9. Face mask

There are different types of face masks and have different benefits for the skin. Clay mask, sheet mask, exfoliating mask, brightening mask, hydrating mask, charcoal mask, fragrance mask, and many more. Benefits of using on your skin include exfoliating as some masks contain lactic acid which helps remove dead skin cells, hydration as some masks such as sheet masks provide intense moisture to the skin, fine line reduction as some face masks contain antioxidants that help reduce the appearance of fine lines and protect the skin. Face masks can be used weekly to hydrate the skin and keep moisture.

Lip balm

10. Lip care

It’s going to be off for your skin to be bussing and your lip is left looking ashy or a different colour. After you’re done taking proper care of your skin, it’s time to focus on your lips. A good lip balm will help moisturize and protect your skin.  Some lip balms also contain SPF to protect your lips from harmful UV rays and prevent fine lines on your lips. You get to apply on the go with lip balm and it is an essential item to always have in your purse or handbag.

Would you indulge in a 10 step skincare routine? It would provide you with lots of benefits to keep healthy skin and repair your skin barrier.

Read more;

5 Skincare Mistakes you need to stop

14 Skincare myths debunked

Say goodbye to wrinkles: 10 Effective strategies


About Najite 15 Articles
Full-time k-drama stan but remaining a sucker for all things health and beauty.

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